A monthly newsletter on disinformation trends in Bangladesh
Quarterly misinformation trend and betting ads on mobile games
Bangladesh experienced a sharp rise in political and religious misinformation in the wake of its political upheaval, as analyzed in Dismislab’s review of third-quarter fact-checking reports for 2024. Political misinformation dominated, comprising 42% of all unique fact-checks in the third quarter—nearly triple the share from the previous quarter and almost double that of the first. Religious misinformation also spiked, accounting for 12% of unique fact-checks in this period.
Betting ads slip through Google’s net, target Bangladeshi gamers
Over a 30-hour period across six widely-used gaming platforms, this author recorded 77 advertisements promoting online betting and casino sites, most promising quick earnings and served through Google’s digital advertising network. The findings reveal that nearly one in every 11 ads on these gaming apps encourages users to engage in betting or gambling activities, highlighting the pervasive presence of such content in digital gaming spaces.